Spain And Greece Trip

Blog during the course of my trip to Spain and Greece in April 2006.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Visa Agonies

Citizens of India require to have a Visa to travel to most parts of the world, no matter how short a duration it may be. Getting the official sanction is sometimes a nightmare. Some consulates are good about it, they allow the application to be sent in via courier. But not this time.

Tommorrow I will be driving 75 miles to San Francisco to present my case to the Consulate of Spain. I called them up today, and they informed me that they cannot process the Visa on the same day. It may take 1 to 3 weeks for them, to process.

Ouch!! That means 2 trips to San Francisco for me. Why cannot countries make it easier for people to travel. After all, the world is shrinking. Its good that San Francisco is only 75 miles for me, I wonder what they would do for someone located far away.


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