Spain And Greece Trip

Blog during the course of my trip to Spain and Greece in April 2006.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Waiting for the last flight at Athens

Am blogging from Athens airport waiting for the Olympic Airlines flight to Rhodes. Today has been a long day flying. For some reason, every airport in Europe seems to require transit passengers to go through security check. This is a pain, it is much easier in the US when you can directly go to the gate. So today, I have had to stand in long queues at many places. Also over here, they like forming different queues for different counters, rather than having one queue feeding into the different counters. The later would give much lesser average service time, besides being fair to customers when additional counters are opened. In the former, people make a mad dash to any new counter that is opened. Somehow I have this feeling that if simple mathematical principles were applied to things in our daily life, the same would be much simpler… I think I am tired and am in a sour mood, and therefore writing these lines….


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